Quartersnacks wrapped up their end of the year post recapping 25 Events That Defined New York City Skateboarding in 2011. Straight up we love these, check the full list below.

25-21 (click to read post)

25. The Blue Flatbar Shatters the Record for the Longest a Loose Obstacle Has Been Left at Tompkins
24. An Australian Brings Back the Slappy Crooked Grind
23. Skateboarders Begin Scouring Storage Lockers For Lost Footage Artifacts
22. The Slap Subway Video Makes It Into the Ranks of NYC Subway Video Infamy
21. The Internet Gives Up On Promising an Anthony Pappalardo Comeback

20-16 (click to read post)

20. Blackberry solidifies its status as a “core” video device for skateboard videographers
19. New York City skateboarders get more desperate for ledge spots, actually begin skating “BAM 2″
18. L*ngb*ard*rs start giving friendly nods to skateboarders/”shortboarders”
17. KCDC and Autumn live to be ten-years-old
16. Courthouse Drop sessions decline 50%, collective life expectancy of skateboarders in New York rises by seven years

15-11 (click to read post)

15. Luis Tolentino Skates on High Things
14. The Berrics Overcomes Its Heliophobia
13. J.P.’s Video Still Doesn’t Come Out
12. Lil’ Wayne Starts Skateboarding
11. Chris Brown Starts Scootering

10-6 (click to read post)

10. Lucas Puig Re-Legitimizes the Noseslide
9. Casey Rigney Singlehandedly Makes an Arcade Comeback Somewhat Relevant
8. Palace Reminds Us of How Good New York Looks in VHS Quality
7. The Fall of the 12th & A Empire
6. Tompkins Achieves Legacy Status

5-1 (click to read post)

5. The Rise of 12th & A Rap
4. Brandon Westgate Does Two Really Impressive Ollies
3. The Bar-Muda Triangle Dissolves
2. Peter Shocks the World and Releases Caviar
1. Quartersnacks Loses Its Homebase

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