For our latest NYSB CHANNELS announcement, we’re happy to add the Street Urchin’s channel to our growing list. 

Started in 2015, the Street Urchins have been making edits exclusively shot on their phones and in the past few months began creating unique apparel under the same name. They’ve become known for documenting skating without taking it too seriously and derive their inspiration from the strange creatures that they encounter on the streets of New York. The group edits with some less-than traditional song choices for skate videos that include Smash Mouth and Nickelback amongst others. The edits tend to leave viewers wondering it’s done as a purposeful joke or if they truly love late 90’s/early 2000’s Billboard Chart Toppers. TRL top ten songs aside, the skating is raw and has been a popular staple on our instagram for some time now. We look forward to the future edits from this crew.

The Street Urchin’s channel will include their iPhone edits along with stuff from friends. The new channel is live now, click here to check it out.