Summer Solstice 2019, better known to skateboarders as “Go Skateboarding Day” will be Presented By Supra Footwear and Produced by LifeValet. The epic schedule will start at 9am with Complimentary Skateboarding Lessons for Adults.
“Adult Learn to Skateboard Day” is a program that welcomes adults to the world of skateboarding with free lessons and a positive social vibe. Adults are often overlooked as a demographic in the skate industry, LifeValet is bridging the gap with an initiative to expand this program to include regular sessions in cities around the world. In addition to the professional free lessons graciously provided by Sure Skateboard School, Burton NYC Staff, Boards for Bros NY ambassadors, and the Supra NY Flow Team, this event will also donating products to BoardsForBrosNY from the participating sponsors.
    Directly after the lesson is our give back session of local adults involved in the NY Skateboard industry one way or another that take the NYC skateboarding scene back to its rawness: the essence of owning the streets.  This eclectic crew created “Adult Go Skateboard Day” in 2011 to provide an alternative to organized days events aimed at younger demographics.
Adult GSD has been growing and building organically with the support of its local sponsorship from the Skateboard community and brings in Skateboarders from all over the city and neighboring states. Meeting up in LES and then “on tour” Session-ing DIY spots along the 3-5 mile route. Supra Footwear is hooking up a RAD line up for the evening portion of the action packed schedule with 3 amazing NYC bands “Slam Section”, “Bubbles” and “Slashers” at Union Pool, Brooklyn NY.
“You’re never to late or old to learn something new and skateboarding is just the right tool and motivator to make that happen”… LifeValet, Mike A. Cohen
Click on our NYSB Events Page for the complete line up the days events.