
We’re proud to once again announce another new member of the NYSB family! Peter A. Collado aka “Gizmo” is our latest addition as “Ambassador” and will be contributing to our Facebook, Twitter & Instagram. Gizmo has always been part of the crew for years now and we’re honored to have him be a part of NYSB. A true OG to the New York skateboarding community he’s been a part of it all from the start of Supreme to bikes, Djaying to most recently the Old Bastards skate crew Gizmo is truly 100% skateboarder and is one of the funniest & energetic dudes to be around! We threw some questions at Giz so you can learn a little more about him, check his answers out in the Q&A below.

The Basics:

Full name? Peter A. “Gizmo” Collado Jr.

What year did you start skating? 1985/86

Where are we right now? We’re in HELL and it’s f%%% HOT!


This or That:

Heelflips or Kickflips? Heelflips

Grinds or Slides? Both

Regular or Goofy? Regular

Nollie or Fakie? Fakie making a comeback

Pants or Shorts? Pants

T’s or Hoodies? Hoodies

Hi Tops or Lows? Lows

Trucks Tight or Loose? Loose

Backside or Frontside? Both

Pizza or Tacos? Tacos


Location Stuff:

Where r u living currently? L.I.

What’s your favorite spot of all time? Wallows Hawaii

Where would you like to skate/visit in the future? Japan/Barcelona/ Portland/All of Europe


Firsts & Lasts:

Skateboard setup?
First: Vision Mark Gonz “Cool Guy”/Trackers/RatBones
Last: Mike V. Farm Brd/Hosoi Indy 159/Hosoi Rockets 61 & Shut “Matt Terwilleger”/Indy 149/Bones 58

First: KISS
Last: Turbo Negro

Skate Website?

Skate Crew?
First: S.E.S. Posse
Last: Old Bastards NYC/NYSkateboarding Fam/H.O.V. Fam

Skate Mag?
First: Thrasher
Last: Juice & Poweredge

First: Launch ramp airs
Last: Boardslide fakie across quarter spine at BQE

Skate Spot?
First: Bleeker St. Inwood Heights NYC
Last: BQE


NY Favorites:

Favorite skate spot in New York? BQE/2nd NTR (Peekskill NY)

Favorite skate shop in New York? Rick’s House

Favorite NY based skate brand? SHUT & TORRO

Favorite crew or person to skate with in New York? Old Bastards/NYSkateboarding Fam

Favorite New York based movie? Warriors

Favorite New York based skate vid or section? Future Primitive

Favorite thing to do in New York off the board? Drink & eat with my homies

Favorite place to eat in New York? Casa Adela Authentic Puerto Rican food

Favorite bar in New York? Motor City….R.I.P.


NY Opinions:

What did you think the first time you visited/skated NY? No one can touch us

What makes New York different than other places to skate? We can’t be touched

The Good of NY? Friends

The Bad of NY? Enemies



To anyone visiting New York to skate? Don’t be that DICK or you WILL get DICKED/ NO HOMO!!!!


Shout Outs/Plugs:

My lovely daughter Aila……
There was a time in my life that I grew unhappy after reconstructive knee surgery……
All I did was breath, sleep and eat skateboarding and I was highly depressed cause I couldn’t do it.
I did tons of drugs and ruined my marriage, then GOD gave me a 2nd chance and Jami appeared.
I cleaned my act up and surrounded myself with my true skate buddies from back in the day and with their help I’ve been skating again and feel awesome! Even tho I need a hip replacement, I’ve been stretching and trying to eat right trying to maintane.

Thanks to: Alex Corporan, Slappy Sunday’s NYC, S.E.S Posse fam, G.O.A.T, Supreme, Chari & Co, Chrome NYC, SHUT, TORRO, Raised Fist Propaganda,Old Bastards, H.O.V., ALL THE fam and my family!

Rest In Peace Justin Pierce, Keenan Milton and Harold Hunter!
I LOVE U DEARLY…. Arigato Gozaimas =)
